University of Lethbridge News
Three out of four of the ULethbridge student’s that started the #MycosMentalHealth campaign
Four enterprising University of Lethbridge students, Spearheaded by MYCOS, have launched the #MycosMentalHealth campaign to increase awareness of mental health and natural remedies that can help.
The student entrepreneurs have been working behind the scenes to launch their initiative to coincide with Mental Illness Awareness Week, which goes from Oct. 1 to 7 and they plan to run the campaign until Mental Health Awareness Month in May. The students have taken a chalkboard around campus and asked people what their natural mental health remedy is. They write their answer on the chalkboard and take a photo that’s then posted to Instagram. So far, people’s solutions have included going for a walk, working out, standing barefoot in the grass, getting some fresh air and listening to music.
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